2021-10-06T19:15:19-07:00October 27th, 2011|Musings on life, Relationships|

Grocery store cashier

I see her almost every day,
which is more
than any of my friends.

I’ve never been good
at buying
in bulk.

Always the courteous smile
of recognition
of limitation
even when there is no one behind me
we act as if
there is no time
or reason
to talk.

Until today.

I almost didn’t,
and then I opened
my bag of concord grapes.

I insisted
she take a handful.

We agreed
there is something implausible
about so much sweetness
fastened to a vine.

As I balanced the last bag on my shoulder
she said
nice haircut by the way
and I smiled.

So few friends
had noticed.

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