2020-09-19T01:08:18-07:00March 5th, 2012|Musings on life|

Be brave tonight

Courage is not a genetic hand-me-down
or a choice you can rely on
in the moment.

It is a muscle.

If you do not use it
it will shrink;
you will go to be brave one day
and find you are floppy
and unsure.

So try on
your convictions.

Start with your own echo,
the words that play in your head,
quicksand words
telling you things like

Stand up to yourself,
stare down the doubt
in the pitch-black privacy
of your darkest thoughts.

Be gutsy;
remember that a shadow
carries no weight.

Rescue yourself,
and you will grow
like a plant to sunlight,
towards valor.


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