2020-03-30T20:31:01-07:00July 11th, 2016|Parenthood|

The housecoat

A few years ago
I decided to spend a lot of money
on bathing suits
black boots
and housecoats

one is obvious
when you’re forty

and the boots
because my other
nice shoes
weren’t nice at all
but gnawed at my toes
as if I was walking
on a pair of

and the housecoat
is thick and soft
and made by Ugg
which somehow made me feel
better about how I wear it
as soon as I get home from work
and for so long
on the weekends

which is how they found me
that morning they popped by
our friends with no kids
looking so

I was eating breakfast standing up
my hair in a side ponytail
that my toddler gave me
but feeling solid
about the housecoat
that cost so much

until later
when they had gone
and I had to look up
who David Hume was
at the same time as I reached into
the pocket of my housecoat
looking for an elastic
but instead found only
a used band-aid
and one small




Hello lovelies. So much has happened. I turned forty-one. I weaned my daughter. We’ve had our best year ever at ECHO and it’s only half done. My back got better and then worse. My son finished kindergarten. I tried to write. I chose sleep instead. So many of you have written such kind things, wondering about me, sending your love. I so, so appreciated it. My creative juices got a little buried over the past few months but other parts of my life got watered. Now summer is here and I can feel the flow again. It feels really good. Thank you, as always, for waiting. xo

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