2020-03-30T19:50:41-07:00February 15th, 2013|Relationships|


Your dad and I decided
to pick a word to start the day

a mental magnet
a carrot
to lure us
to joy

he chose soft
and I chose gratitude
which helped
when he forgot
to give your grandpa
the green bag

I’ll bring it to them
I said
and thank you
because I realized
I didn’t kiss him

but it was your word
that stuck with me the most
because we asked you too
and you answered right away


so all day
as time ticked too loud
and my to-do list clogged
my airway

I thought of a giraffe’s little head
perched so high up
and how it is that their eyes
look so calm
even though they are always
on the lookout
for lions.

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